A collection of printed matter that vary in size and scope that hold images, illustrations, or act as large posters.
The LHA graphics collection contains 1,677-plus pieces organized and stored in flat-file cabinets and catalogued binders. 617 of the catalogued graphics have been digitized and uploaded to our digital objects collection, which allows us to share this growing collection with our multifarious community of researchers, artists, students and visitors. The collection spans the period from the mid-1970s to the present and is composed of performance posters, activist flyers, artistic prints, periodicals cover art, bumper stickers, community board announcements and more.
LHA is a living archive, so processing, rehousing, cataloguing and digitizing of this collection is ongoing as we strive to create more and better multipoint access to our materials. Some materials have been donated with the gift of copyright authority; however, the majority of this collection requires the express permission of the copyright holder for publication, reuse and licensing. It is our desire to ensure, to the best of our abilities, that the creative work of Lesbians collected, maintained and shared by LHA is properly attributed and acknowledged in accordance with traditional copyright restrictions and the tenets of the DMCA.