Join us for Lez Craft Nights at the Archives
Lesbians AND crafts? What more could you want? In honor of the Lesbian Herstory Archives’ 50th anniversary some craft-loving volunteers began hosting weekly craft nights for folks to meet in small groups to gather, craft, and chat. Each night is assigned a theme to give everyone inspiration, but as far as crafting goes, there are […]
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New Lesbian Herstory Archives Merch!
They’re here! Merchandise is now available online that will let you show your love for the Lesbian Herstory Archives and lesbians of all kinds in all their glory! Modeling our newest merch are models Joan Nestle (LHA Co-Founder and Coordinator) and her partner Di Otto, Maddie Provost (LHA Volunteer) and Rachel Corbman (LHA Coordinator), along with […]
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